Friday, January 23, 2015


I've never really payed any attention to my blog's birthday, but a few weeks ago I realized that a big one was coming up!

Get this: I started blogging five years ago today. A whole five years ago! I was 13 years old!

A Snippet of Conversation from January 23rd, 2010:

"Hey Mom and Dad, can I make a blog?"
"Sure! That's a great idea."
*five minutes later*
" do you make a blog?"

I started off on WordPress. This was my first post:

Hey everyone! I just wanted to tell you about what this blog is going to be about, and what kind of stuff I’m going to post. I’m going to post American Girl news and info, tell about books I love and recommend, share crafts & recipes, do Show and Tell Wednesdays, and other fun stuff.  Expect new posts and fun stuff soon!

Some of the first photos I ever posted:

I was really proud of those. Don't judge.

Once I moved over to Blogger, I remember how excited I was to reach 10 followers. I jumped up and down and told my whole family. I was amazed that ten people liked my blog enough to press the follow button!

And now - I'm so blessed to have so many lovely readers who read my posts and leave encouraging comments. Thank you so much, you guys.

(This is my there-are-so-many-of-you-wow face. Except I'm not Merlin. Unfortunately.)

Having a blog has been awesome. I've loved thinking up new ideas for posts, sharing my photos (which have thankfully gotten a bit better), and being able to get my thoughts and fangirly feels out there. I like being able to look back over my old posts (despite how cringe-worthy they are) and seeing how I've changed - sort of like looking back over old diaries. And of course, one of my very favorite things about blogging is getting to know you all and being a part of a little blogging community.


It's just - I love being a blogger. So much.

I wrote this post mainly to say THANK YOU to all of you who have stuck around all these years. And thanks to all of you who have just recently decided to follow along! You very much rock. 

(shout-out to my family who has been reading my blog ever since my posts were 99% American Girl-related and to Tarissa from In the Bookcase - who was my very first commenter and who has stuck around for five years! Just wow.)


  1. CONGRATS! What an accomplishment! I am so glad that you have stuck around, as I discovered your blog just recently and really really enjoy it. Also, American Girl dolls were a huge part of my childhood, so just hearing about them gave me a major case of the feels.

    1. Oh, thank you, Sus! <3 I'm so glad we found each others' blogs!

      Former-AG-Fans Unite! ;D

  2. FIVE YEARS!? I have been blogging for about half a year and still only have one follower! How did you get 170!? Anyway, happy blogiversary!

  3. HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!! I'm so very thankful to have found your blog and become blogging friends with you, Hannah! You're the bomb dot com. Keep blogging forever. =)

    1. That is super duper sweet, Emily! Same here - I'm so thankful for you and your blog! :)

  4. Ha, that Lip Smacker picture made me smile. :) Congrats on your blog birthday! I've only been reading for about a year but your blog is lovely and one of my favorites.

  5. This was awesome!! Happy blogiversary!!! I've only recently discovered your blog, but it's awesome and lovely, such a refreshing read always (oh and fangirling, YES please), and your photos are very nice *wink* xD

  6. Awww I love seeing old pictures and progress (which you've obviously had!). You've come so far Hannah!! Congratulations dear!

    Chloe | Curious Ramblings

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this! I had fun going back over my old posts. Thanks Chloe!

  7. Happy 5th blogging anniversary! Congratulations!

    xoxo Morning

  8. The joy has all been ours dear sweet Hannah. Love, Dad

  9. Happy Blogiversary! I should have found your blog a lot sooner because I really loved American Girl dolls.

    1. Thank you! Oh, we could have been AG buddies! :)

  10. Happy Blogiversary to youuuuuu! I'm so glad that I found your blog, but to re-iterate what Ekaterina said, I wish I'd found it when it first started because I was a little crazy about American Girl dolls at the time. XD
    I love your blog, and I just want to say congrats, keep up the good work, and I get really excited whenever I see that you've done a new post. Your blog has always been an inspiration to me. And I say this in the least cheesy and most genuine way possible.

    1. Wow, thank you so much Elizabeth, that means a lot! I'm so glad you found my blog, because that's how I found *your* blog! And it's amazing! <3

  11. That's so exciting! It's cool that you've blogged on relatively the same blog for 5 years.

    1. Pretty long time, eh? I no longer feel like a total noob. (except for sometimes)

  12. WHAT. You're not Merlin?
    I...I don't even knwo what to say..
    All these years I thought? *collapses in denail*

    OKAY BUT HONESTLY. XD Happy Bloggiversary!! And congrats for blogging for so long! I'm coming up to 4 years now and eeep, it's exciting and a little scary. And nothing to be ashamed about blogging about American Girls. XD Hehe. My sister and I were SO into American Girls when we were small(er) and, um, well, we're Australian, so that's odd of us. XD

    1. I'm sorry that I'm not Merlin :( I know it's sad, took me a while to get over that myself.

      THANKS GIRL. That's so cool that you guys were into American Girl dolls, too! Haha, apparently it has a rather universal fandom. :O

  13. I am so late to saying happy blogiversary. *hides head in shame* I read your post the day it came out, but my phone hates me and won't let me comment and I haven't had time to get my computer out and come over here until now, *cries*

    so, HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY. ♥♥♥ Your blog is fantastic, and you are fantastic, and I would definitely not be the blogger that I am without your input and help and general fantasticness. So thanks for that. :p

    1. A wizard is never late.

      Wow, thank you Olivia :) You are such a wonderful bloggy buddy!

  14. Happy Birthday, The Daisy Tree! Your blog has seriously been like my favorite ever ever since I first found it. You are so sweet and I love your posts! :)

    Isn't it amazing how much we change over the course of our blogging careers? I was thirteen when I started blogging too, and man was it messy. Though I'd never have the guts to repost my first post. That is (thankfully) lost in oblivion.

    1. Oh wow, thank you so much for this sweet comment!!

      Haha, I felt like I could share it because it feels so long ago. Before now I wouldn't have been able to. :D

  15. Aw this is such a cute post, and I'm glad you included your first post and some of the first photos you used because I always like to have a nose at those in people's blogs aha! Happy 5 year blogiversary!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

  16. Awww thanks for sharing this with us Hannah! It's such a nice trip down the memory lane hey?

  17. Ahhh! This is late, but happy, happy blogiversary! :) I love this place.
    Yay for Merlin gifs.
    I like your new profile picture on the sidebar. :)

