Monday, August 31, 2015


My life has become so complicated. So laughably complicated.

So one day I'm at home in Ireland, doing schoolwork at my little desk in my tidy (ish) room. I'm drinking my second cup tea and daydreaming about Doctor Who. Alarm clocks are unknown concepts, and I have nothing scheduled for the week except for youth group on Saturday and church on Sunday (places in which I know every single person). Everything is comfortable and familiar and just like it always was.

Flash forward a few months, and my life is complete and utter chaos. Every aspect of my life is completely screwed up, like a tornado came through and demolished everything familiar.

Hashtag college. Or something.

Guys, I'm so happy to be at college. Sometimes I just randomly whelm up in tears because I'm so dang happy to be here. Everyone is so nice. My roommate is fabulous and my dorm is the coolest. I love this place.

But it's so, so scary. This week has been like a super weird and fantastic and complicated dream that I'll wake up from sooner or later.




Classes start tomorrow and I needed a place to vent just a couple of my millions of emotions. And you know, it honestly worked. I feel a lot calmer now.

Anyway, how are you guys? Please update me on your lives because I feel completely out of the loop.



  1. Good to hear from you again! I can't really imagine what you're going through, because my life hasn't got there (yet :O), but I'm feeling for you! I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow, and remember our God has everything under control in His perfect plan. :)

  2. My two years of college was a bit overwhelming for me, and it was just the community college within driving I can't imagine going off to college in another country!

    Anyway, I'm sure that you'll soon settle into a new routine. What you're doing is so brave and even though it'll be hard at times, I'm sure it will totally be worth it. :) I'll be praying for you!

    1. Kristin! I've missed talking to you! Thanks so much, I appreciate that.

  3. Chin up buttercup; you've got this!

    I'm just starting out on this crazy college journey too, so I can understand some of your emotions! It's completely new, unfamiliar territory, but it's comforting to know that God's got our back in this season of life!

    1. YES I DO. I think.

      You've got this too :) You're right - it's so wonderful that God is always in control.

  4. *sends you a virtual cup of hot steaming tea* That sounds tough, Hannah. I don't know that I can even imagine how overwhelming that must be. But seriously, you are so brave to not only be moving out to go to college (that idea scares me) but moving to another country to do it. I think this will be a really cool time in life for you even if it feels overwhelming and you'll look back on it as maybe one of the best times in your life yet. You've got this, girl.

    "There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." --A. A. Milne, "Pooh Bear"

    1. TEA. I need that, so thanks a ton. It's scary, but I'm so blessed to be here.

      That quote is the sweetest <3

  5. Even though I am getting close to college, it still seems like a looming giant that I know is going to approach me. Since I haven't gone to college, I don't have any experience to share with you but from the knowledge I've gained from older adults. They always say to keep God as your priority in life and you don't have to be worried about anything because you will know that God is there.

    Btw, It was good to hear from you again! :-)

    1. Looming giant. Perfect analogy. And such good advice - thank you for that.

      Thanks so much for commenting! I've missed you!

  6. I have seriously missed seeing you in the blogging world lately... <3 I'm super glad you are enjoying your time in college, but I've heard that the mixed emotions are totally normal too. (It's my final year of highschool this year, so the feels & emotions have already begun for me. O-o)

    Try not to get discouraged. This is a new season, and with all new seasons come new experiences & it's own unique chaotic-craziness. Enjoy it. Sometime soon, you'll be looking up & graduating with a degree under your belt!! (And THEN you'll be moving on to a NEW season & probably experiencing some of the same feels all over again...)

    It's life!! But it can be amazing if you let it be. <3 (And now I have the Beatles song stuck in my head... hehehe! You're welcome.)

    Praying for you & this exciting part of your life! Still hoping to meet you at some point, while you're in the States. Have a fantastic day, my friend!! :D

    1. I've missed YOU. I hope I'll be around!! I can't neglect my incredibly awesome blogging buddies. That would stink.

      Thank you for your encouragement! I'll try to enjoy even the craziness of it all.

      Let it be <3

  7. I have missed your blog posts but I am glad to hear that you are doing well. I know, change can be confusing and disorienting and impossible and wonderful all at the same time.

    I still have 14 days til I fly to Wales, so I still cannot imagine what it feels like to move across the ocean for school and have so much change all at once. But in just a little while I will probably falling apart and needing your survival tips : )

    The Lord wants to hear all the things on our hearts. He is the one constant in this crazy ever changing world!

    I wish you all the best. Hopefully as you start to settle in you begin to love it more and more!


    1. I MISS YOU SUSANNA. 14 days til your own big adventure? I can't tell you how excited I am for you. You will have the time of your life and will learn so much.

      I loved what you said about God wanting to hear what's in our hearts! That's a good thing to remember.

  8. I kinda now how you feel, I am moving this month and my once relatively calm life has become utter chaos.
    Life can be overwhelming. College is a big deal, but I am sure you will love it. With God all things. :D

    1. You're so right, Skye <3 Hope the move goes well for you!!

  9. HANNAH! I missed reading your voice over the past couple of weeks!

    I understand this overwhelming feeling called freshman year of college. Going from a homeschooler's life to a life full of new friendships, due dates, homework, and the dreaded alarm definitely changes things, but I, like you, love it! You pretty much expressed my thoughts exactly. Except you have it much scarier because I'm still at home and you're in a different country! My prayers go towards you that you discover so much grace and joy during these exciting years! Let's live them with grace filled hearts and cups full of tea (which I fell in love with over the summer).

    I wrote a post about college anxiety recently that you might like! Can't wait to hear more about your experiences!

    Hannah ~Grace in Everything


      Glad you can understand. It's such a big adjustment. I will most definitely check out your post, it sounds great! :)

  10. I missed you! *sends hugs and hot chocolate* I understand the feeling. This is my second semester full time, but I also have a part time job and other obligations, and sometimes I want to panic and freak out. However, it's better than my first semester at community college full time... I was a terrible procrastinator, I didn't prioritize very well, and I stressed too much. Gosh, I hope I'm not freaking you out! What I mean is, you can and will figure it all out even though it's insanely overwhelming. Just don't make the mistakes I did! XD I hope that didn't come across as too preachy...
    Best of luck in college with your classes and everything! Once everything calms down a bit, I KNOW you will do fabulously, girl. You've got it in you. (-: I'll be praying for you!

    1. ELIZABETH. It feels like ages since I've talked to you. Wow, you sound like a busy girl. Hope this semester goes super well for you! You'll do great.
      Thanks so much for commenting, girl.

  11. I feel ya. Literally all I can say right now.

  12. College is such a great experience, but I remember the complicated emotions. When I started it last year, I was in for a bit of a rude awakening, but by Christmas I was in the flow and really enjoying it.

    Hope your year is wonderful!

  13. This comment is SO PATHETICALLY late, but I wanted to say hi! And I miss you like crazy! My blog has been super quiet as well...I've been busy making the change from my summer pool to the fall facility. ..I went away for a week to visit my best friend out of town, I've been reading lots and biking everywhere (at least it feels that way!) But it's all been good. :)

    I hope you're loving college - as much as I'm sure it's loving you! ;) updates soon?

  14. We've missed you, Hannah Mary! But I hope you're having a fabulous time at college and it sounds like everything is awesomely complicated, even if it's confusing as well. I'm convinced that it's actually quite healthy to do something wildly different that helps you to learn and grow and develop new talents and perspectives. I hope your experience at college will be just that. :) Relax and enjoy, girl! And don't work yourself too hard. ♥


  15. I have tagged you for the One Lovly Blog Award over at my blog:

  16. Hey Hannah,
    How are you doing? Has college or California or the US eaten you alive?
